New Home Essentials

Abenaya Gunasekaran 6 years ago

Are you planning to move into a new home? You may have confusions on what stays and what needs to go. A properly crafted plan can help you in saving a lot of money and also helps you in making sure you have purchased everything that's necessary. Which is why we have curated a room-by-room list of essentials that need to be included when you design your new home. Let's get started!


What stays:

Invest in buying a lot of sheets in neutral shades like beige, off-white and grey. Not only are they easy to maintain, but you'll find yourself requiring a lot more sheets and covers than you had anticipated. So they'll come in handy when required.

What doesn't:

Limit your expenditures on lots of throw pillows. They might look like eye candy on purchase, but you'll find them virtually useless after purchase. Throw pillows are also dynamic whose styles keep changing every year. Instead, put that money into buying more bedspreads, mattress covers and linens.


What stays:

Make sure you have 2 sets of towels and one spare set for the guest room. More towels only indicate a messy bathroom and more laundry. It is best that you stick to the required number, especially if you're on a budget.

What doesn't:

Don't buy white towels for the house. Sure, they might look fluffy and appealing. But soon enough you'll realize that they're harder to maintain than you thought, not to mention that they're extremely stain-prone. Hence, go in for deeper shades.


What stays:

High-quality stainless steel saucepans and sauté pans, cast iron skillets, a great set of knives, a wooden cutting board and a decent microwave oven – these are the workhorses of the kitchen which are worth the investment. When it comes to cooking utensils, you can accomplish most cooking tasks with ladels, tongs, spoons and spatulas.

What doesn't:

Make sure you buy essential that are not limited to a single function. Purchasing multipurpose kitchen tools does the trick. You can even go online to check out the different kind of multipurpose kitchen tools. Choose carefully before you buy items. For example, for some, a food processor is essential, while for others it would just sit in the back of a cupboard gathering dust.

Dining room:

What stays:

The key to buying the right kind of cutlery for dining is to make sure that they're durable, long-lasting and worth your money. Invest in stainless steel for daily use- plates, glasses, forks, spoons and other such. These are not just light on the pocket but are extremely easy when it comes to maintenance.

What doesn't:

Don't buy extremely fancy chinaware unless you have the budget for it or when you KNOW you're going to put it to good use. This is mostly a moot point, considering most china are so fancy to use that they spend more time in the cupboard than on your table.


What stays:

When you’re moving into your first home and if you’re on a budget, you may have to settle with hand-me-down art pieces and budget furniture options. However, investing in mirrors is a great idea as they provide an aesthetic to your interiors and give the illusion of a larger space. Invest in houseplants as they can also make the room fresher and more appealing, and unconsciously give a rich finish to the décor. Make sure you get recommendations from a local nursery about various choices in plants and their maintenance.

What doesn’t:

Too many purely decorative items.  Focus on getting the basics in place (like a great couch and proper lighting) before spending on accessories. Even then, consider accessories with a purpose – like a big art book or scented candle, rather than expensive sculptures and other such.

Keeping all these in mind, make sure that you set a budget for all essentials and do not splurge on fancy items that can only be used once or twice. Make a checklist of all the items you require and check them off as you purchase. We hope this helped. If you need professional help on your decor, head over to our page where you can find experts who help you with both interior and exterior decor. Fill up a simple form to get in touch now!

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