Young Couples: A Guide To Designing Your First Home

Abenaya Gunasekaran 6 years ago

It’s always been a dream for any couple to own a house that they can call their own. In lieu of this, there may be confusions in zeroing in on the perfect designs to compliment the décor or crafting a budget for your requirements and many such. In this blog, we provide you with a checklist of essentials to have a look at while designing your place!

  • Fix a timeline and a budget before you start work and make sure you adhere to it. Budgeting can help you in planning your finances and narrowing down on expenditures that can anchor your budget. Since it will be your first home, set it up and gradually increase the budget, keeping in mind your needs for the future.
  • In cases where time is a constraint, turn to internet shopping, as that can be faster and easier to manage. While choosing furniture on the internet, make sure to place an order with dealers who sell products as promised and have a proper return/refund policy.
  • Make sure you make a checklist of all essentials that are required in the home. While purchasing, it is important that you craft a list of everything that’s needed so that you will not miss out on anything.
  • Allot a small part of your home to future expansion. This can prove to be especially useful in case you are planning to introduce a guest room or a nursery for future needs. Proper space allocation can save you from many hassles.
  • Personalize your apartment with items that pertain to the relationship. This could be framed photos, mood lighting, aromatic candles, etc. This helps it give a homey touch to the décor, not to additionally notch up the romance.
  • Make sure to create a “me-corner” in your home. Though there are elements all over the house to indicate otherwise, create a nook or an office room which can be used for some relaxing time alone. For that reason, plan a corner (in your living room or bedroom) to which you can retire with a good book, gadgets, a guitar or an easel. You can place a comfortable sofa here, have a large bookshelf and even a writing desk.

We hope that this helped you with designing your first home! You can even go a step further and call in professional interior designers and decorators to cater to your needs. Head over to our page and have the professionals call you. It’s only a click away!

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